This Week At North Anderson
Hello North Anderson Family & Friends!
We hope that you are having a good beginning to your week! We wanted to share a few things with you about what is going on this week and a couple of things to put on your calendar that are coming up!
All of our mid-week discipleship and ministry opportunities are on regular schedule with Adult DiscipleU Bible Study at 10:30am or 6:30pm (Revelation 18 this week), RA, GA, and Mission Friends at 6:30pm, and True North Student Ministry at 6:30pm
The WMU Prayer Group that was postponed last Wednesday will meet at 9:00am
Our music ministry will rehearse at 5:30pm in the sanctuary and will be working on the Choir presentation, “Living Hope”, that is scheduled for this coming Sunday morning. If you’ve been thinking about joining the choir ministry or haven’t been in a while, this week would be a good time to jump in!
Men’s Bible Study at Mama Penn’s at 7:00am
We’ll kick off our Sunday morning with our new 5th Sunday Bible Fellowship breakfast! There will be no individual classes meeting but instead a potluck breakfast in the Family Life Center at 9:15am. We’ll share a meal, sweet fellowship, and hear a devotion from one of our Deacons, Cody Rydin. This will be an ongoing event on our church calendar each 5th Sunday this year.
*There will also be a table set up by our Personnel team to recognize the many years of service and dedication of Dennis Walker. Mr. Dennis retired earlier this year, and we wanted to provide you an opportunity to bring a card or gift to say thank you!*
At 10:30am, we’ll gather in the Sanctuary for corporate worship and wrap up our sermon series through 1st Peter and celebrate the Lord’s Supper. The sermon for this Sunday will be delivered by Kaden Caudell, NABC Intern, and his text for this week will be 1 Peter 5:6-14, if you’d like to study ahead. Pastor Kyle will be publishing an article on the 1st 5 verses of 1st Peter 5, which speak specifically about the function, role and responsibilities of Pastors/Elders, at the end of the week, so be on the lookout for that.
A Few Things Coming Up:
On Sunday, April 6th, we’ll begin a new 12 week sermon series through the 10 Commandments from Exodus 20. In this series, we’ll discover why the Law was given, what it meant for Israel, us, and how the Commandments are still relevant today even for those who are under grace. We hope that you’ll make plans to join us each week and bring a friend!
On a related note, we’re going to do a couple of fun and meaningful things through this series.
First of all, we’re going to use hymns exclusively to guide our worship. Just as the 10 Commandments are ancient words that are still relevant today, the sacred hymns are as well. We’d love for you to help shape our liturgy planning by submitting your favorite hymns by emailing! On a side note, we'd love to fill each seat of the choir to help lead these sacred hymns each week so if you love to sing these standards, please plan to sing with the choir each week!
Secondly, we want to challenge each of you to memorize the 10 Commandments, in order, by the end of this sermon series. Each of our children, 5th grade and under, who participates in a recital of the 10 Commandments at the conclusion of this series that will be held on a Sunday morning will be recognized an awarded with a cool gift in honor of their hard work (we’ll be using the Christian Standard Bible in the recital)!
Family Meeting & Fellowship Meal – On Wednesday, March 2nd, we will not have any regular mid-week services but will gather at 6:00pm for our 1st Wednesday meal prepared by our kitchen team, followed by a scheduled Spring Family Meeting. Please make every effort to be in attendance as we have a couple of important matters of church business to conduct.
The cost of the meal is $8 per plate and is capped at $32 a family. You can pay online.
Easter Schedule:
Our annual Good Friday Service will be held on Friday, April 18th at 6:00pm
We will have a Community wide Easter Egg Hunt 10:00am at Watson Park. We’re hosting the Egg Hunt off campus as an outreach event to our community and need all hands on deck to minister to the community. There will be a Gospel presentation as well so be praying!
Easter Sunday – We will have our annual Sunrise Service at 7:00am followed by a breakfast in the Family Life Center. Our Easter worship service this year will be held at 9:15am so go ahead and put it on the calendar!
Verse 0f the Week: “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your cares on him, because he cares about you” – 1 Peter 5:6-7
Prayer Focus This Week: People of the Asian Pacific Rim
God's Word promises in Revelation 7:9 that there will be people from every nation, tribe, people, and language gathered before His throne one day. The Hui people are a minority group where they live in China, and for many of these people, their identity is tied to Islam. The fetter of Islam binds their hearts in darkness. Pray that God will break the chain of unbelief in Jesus with the radical truth of the gospel. Cry out to God for the many Hui who need the light of Christ to illuminate the darkness where they remain locked up and without hope. May many come to be reconciled to God.
All of our mid-week discipleship and ministry opportunities are on regular schedule with Adult DiscipleU Bible Study at 10:30am or 6:30pm (Revelation 18 this week), RA, GA, and Mission Friends at 6:30pm, and True North Student Ministry at 6:30pm
The WMU Prayer Group that was postponed last Wednesday will meet at 9:00am
Our music ministry will rehearse at 5:30pm in the sanctuary and will be working on the Choir presentation, “Living Hope”, that is scheduled for this coming Sunday morning. If you’ve been thinking about joining the choir ministry or haven’t been in a while, this week would be a good time to jump in!
Men’s Bible Study at Mama Penn’s at 7:00am
We’ll kick off our Sunday morning with our new 5th Sunday Bible Fellowship breakfast! There will be no individual classes meeting but instead a potluck breakfast in the Family Life Center at 9:15am. We’ll share a meal, sweet fellowship, and hear a devotion from one of our Deacons, Cody Rydin. This will be an ongoing event on our church calendar each 5th Sunday this year.
*There will also be a table set up by our Personnel team to recognize the many years of service and dedication of Dennis Walker. Mr. Dennis retired earlier this year, and we wanted to provide you an opportunity to bring a card or gift to say thank you!*
At 10:30am, we’ll gather in the Sanctuary for corporate worship and wrap up our sermon series through 1st Peter and celebrate the Lord’s Supper. The sermon for this Sunday will be delivered by Kaden Caudell, NABC Intern, and his text for this week will be 1 Peter 5:6-14, if you’d like to study ahead. Pastor Kyle will be publishing an article on the 1st 5 verses of 1st Peter 5, which speak specifically about the function, role and responsibilities of Pastors/Elders, at the end of the week, so be on the lookout for that.
A Few Things Coming Up:
On Sunday, April 6th, we’ll begin a new 12 week sermon series through the 10 Commandments from Exodus 20. In this series, we’ll discover why the Law was given, what it meant for Israel, us, and how the Commandments are still relevant today even for those who are under grace. We hope that you’ll make plans to join us each week and bring a friend!
On a related note, we’re going to do a couple of fun and meaningful things through this series.
First of all, we’re going to use hymns exclusively to guide our worship. Just as the 10 Commandments are ancient words that are still relevant today, the sacred hymns are as well. We’d love for you to help shape our liturgy planning by submitting your favorite hymns by emailing! On a side note, we'd love to fill each seat of the choir to help lead these sacred hymns each week so if you love to sing these standards, please plan to sing with the choir each week!
Secondly, we want to challenge each of you to memorize the 10 Commandments, in order, by the end of this sermon series. Each of our children, 5th grade and under, who participates in a recital of the 10 Commandments at the conclusion of this series that will be held on a Sunday morning will be recognized an awarded with a cool gift in honor of their hard work (we’ll be using the Christian Standard Bible in the recital)!
Family Meeting & Fellowship Meal – On Wednesday, March 2nd, we will not have any regular mid-week services but will gather at 6:00pm for our 1st Wednesday meal prepared by our kitchen team, followed by a scheduled Spring Family Meeting. Please make every effort to be in attendance as we have a couple of important matters of church business to conduct.
The cost of the meal is $8 per plate and is capped at $32 a family. You can pay online.
Easter Schedule:
Our annual Good Friday Service will be held on Friday, April 18th at 6:00pm
We will have a Community wide Easter Egg Hunt 10:00am at Watson Park. We’re hosting the Egg Hunt off campus as an outreach event to our community and need all hands on deck to minister to the community. There will be a Gospel presentation as well so be praying!
Easter Sunday – We will have our annual Sunrise Service at 7:00am followed by a breakfast in the Family Life Center. Our Easter worship service this year will be held at 9:15am so go ahead and put it on the calendar!
Verse 0f the Week: “Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your cares on him, because he cares about you” – 1 Peter 5:6-7
Prayer Focus This Week: People of the Asian Pacific Rim
God's Word promises in Revelation 7:9 that there will be people from every nation, tribe, people, and language gathered before His throne one day. The Hui people are a minority group where they live in China, and for many of these people, their identity is tied to Islam. The fetter of Islam binds their hearts in darkness. Pray that God will break the chain of unbelief in Jesus with the radical truth of the gospel. Cry out to God for the many Hui who need the light of Christ to illuminate the darkness where they remain locked up and without hope. May many come to be reconciled to God.

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