This Week @ North Anderson

Good morning, North Anderson family & friends

We're praising the Lord for the wonderful morning of worship we were able to share in yesterday at North Anderson! What a joy it was to be able to welcome more members to the North Anderson family!
We're looking forward to a great week at North Anderson and pray that you'll plug in!

Our monthly WMU Ladies prayer meeting will take place at 9:00am in the room near the Family Life Center doors. All ladies are welcome to attend.

Exalt Worship Ministry rehearsal will take place at 5:30pm in the Worship Center. Have you been thinking about becoming part of this invaluable ministry? We'd love to have you join us!

Adult DiscipleU Bible Study & Prayer will meet at both 10:30am and 6:30pm (identical services). We're working our way through the book of Revelation right now and would love for you to join us at either the morning or evening service.

The True North Student Ministry for Middle & High School students takes place each Wednesday at 6:30 upstairs. Parents/Guardians, please consider the importance of making it a priority to get your students here on Wednesday evenings consistently as they will be growing in the Word of God, building enriching relationships with their peers, and developing habits early that will aid in their spiritual formation and last a lifetime.

The RA, RA, and Mission friends ministry to children will meet at 6:30pm as well and we'd love to see your children join this growing Wednesday evening ministry!

Men, come join this multi-church Bible study at 7:00am at Mama Penn's as we continue our study through the book of Exodus.

At noon, our DMA (Senior Adult Ministry) will have a luncheon and program. Senior adults, please plan to attend! We'd love to have you!

We will gather for Bible Fellowship classes at 9:15am and for corporate worship at 10:30am. We'll continue our series through Ruth this Sunday, unpacking the third chapter!

Verse For The Week:
"Whoever is faithful in very little is also faithful in much, and whoever is unrighteous in very little is also unrighteous in much" - Luke 16:10

Prayer Point: The Swahili-Speaking Arabs of East Africa
Many Swahili-speaking Arabs of East Africa live in a state of poverty. They save every shilling they can and haggle even over small items. Most families do not own a car or have access to quality healthcare or education. Recently, students in one class were asked about their favorite restaurants. Silence filled the room, and it was revealed that in a class of 30, only one of them had ever eaten in a restaurant. For them, living in a developing nation means that it is nearly impossible to plan well for the future because all of their resources go into surviving the day. Following Jesus will not increase their salary or add to their bank accounts; however, it will allow them to have a relationship with the One who provides for their every need. Pray that as Swahili-speaking Arab believers grow in their knowledge of Christ, they will also recognize Him as their Provider. Claim Philippians 4:19 (ESV) over their lives: "And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus."

REMEMBER: September is the month when we collect the Janie Chapman State Missions Offering. Thank you to those who have already given! Please pray about what the Lord would have you to give. You can give towards the Janie Chapman Offering online or in person (by designating your check)