This Week At North Anderson

Hello North Anderson family and friends!

We pray that you are having a great week and that you will get plugged into what is going on at North Anderson Baptist Church this week:

On Wednesday:
Our Adult DiscipleU Bible Study will wrap up Revelation 13 at 10:30am or 6:30pm in the family Life Center

The RA’s, GA’s, and Mission Friends that make up our mid-week children’s ministry will meet at 6:30pm

The True North Student Ministry will gather at 6:30pm and Pastor Stephen will be teaching on the Love of God (just in time for Valentines Day!)

Our Worship Ministry rehearses at 5:30pm in the Sanctuary on Wednesdays. We'd LOVE for you to join in!

On Thursday:
The Men’s Bible Study will continue our study through Exodus, picking up where we stopped our study last Thursday, in Exodus 32:7

On Friday:
The Caring Hands Ministry will meet at Mary Simmons’ home at 10:00am

On Sunday:
We hope you’ll join a Bible Fellowship Class at 9:15am. We’re blessed with great classes, teachers, and leaders, and always have warm fellowship and sound, practical teaching that will strengthen your faith. There’s a class for you!

At 10:30am, we’ll continue our Exiled Elect Series as Pastor Kyle preaches a message from 1 Peter 3:8-12. Please plan to join us and bring a friend! Also, please read the passage before Sunday and think through what the Lord is saying to His church through this powerful text.

A couple of reminders:
Throughout the month of February, in honor and appreciation of her 10 years of faithful service as pianist here at North Anderson, we’re receiving a “Love Offering” for Mrs. Elza Reeves. You can contribute in-person or online. Simply designate your gift.

Our first “Holy Home” cohort will be held on Sunday, March 16th at 5:00pm. We’ll be focusing in our Christian Marriage and will share a catered meal from Groucho’s Deli, play some fun games, and have a conversation about how we can have marriages that flourish. You must register for this event and can do so here –

Verse of The Week - “You have heard that it was said, Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” – Matthew 5:43-44

Prayer Focus - South Korea
Join us in praising God for two young women who are currently preparing for ministry in South Korea through the two-year missionary program called Journeyman. Please pray for these two as they finish their training, leave home, and settle here next month to love, serve, and minister to refugees. Please pray for a good transition into the culture, language, community, and ministries. Pray for them to realize God's heart for the refugees and how God can use them to make a difference. Please pray for God to prepare the individuals they will share with to have open hearts to hear and believe the gospel. Please ask God to bless these two young women for His glory and that their witness here will mean more refugees becoming a part of God's family.




