This Week At North Anderson
Hello North Anderson family and friends!
We’ve got a great week on tap here and pray that you’ll get plugged in
First Wednesday Meal from 5:00-6:00pm! The cost is $8 a plate and is capped at $32 per family
Adult DiscipleU Bible Study (Revelation 16) at 10:30am or 6:30pm in the FLC
Children’s Ministry and True North Students at 6:30pm
Music Ministry Rehearsal qt 5:45pm in the Sanctuary
Men’s Bible Study at Mama Penn’s at 7:00am
DMA Serving at AIM at 10:30am
Christian Cohort at the Rydin’s at 7:00pm
Ladies Ministry Coffee Chat at 10:00am
Bible Fellowship Classes at 9:15am, Corporate Worship at 10:30am. Pastor Kyle will be preaching from 1 Peter 4:1-6 so take some time this week to read and meditate upon the text!
We’ll also be hosting our area’s RA/GA race this Sunday at 3:00pm in the Family Life Center. We have several area churches that will join us. Car inspection and check-in begins at 2:45pm. Come on out and cheer on our children!
Verse of the week:
"In the fear of the LORD one has strong confidence and his children have a refuge." - Proverbs 14:26
Prayer Focus For The Week: The People of Southern Sumatra, Indonesia (soo-MAH-trah)
Mary is a new believer. Things were going surprisingly well after she told her family about her faith in Christ. She was even baptized along with her mom. But over the Lunar New Year holiday, Mary went home to visit her family, and things took a negative turn. Her dad left their family, and Mary's sister stopped speaking to her. More recently she found out her grandmother passed away without a chance to hear the gospel. Please pray for Mary to find comfort in the arms of Christ as she mourns so many losses in her family. Please pray that the Lord will reveal Himself to her as all that she needs. Please pray as she tries to rekindle relationships with her family. Please pray for an opportunity for her to share with family members as she is with them during this season of loss. Praise the Lord for Mary's heart to rely on Christ and share truth with those she loves.
First Wednesday Meal from 5:00-6:00pm! The cost is $8 a plate and is capped at $32 per family
Adult DiscipleU Bible Study (Revelation 16) at 10:30am or 6:30pm in the FLC
Children’s Ministry and True North Students at 6:30pm
Music Ministry Rehearsal qt 5:45pm in the Sanctuary
Men’s Bible Study at Mama Penn’s at 7:00am
DMA Serving at AIM at 10:30am
Christian Cohort at the Rydin’s at 7:00pm
Ladies Ministry Coffee Chat at 10:00am
Bible Fellowship Classes at 9:15am, Corporate Worship at 10:30am. Pastor Kyle will be preaching from 1 Peter 4:1-6 so take some time this week to read and meditate upon the text!
We’ll also be hosting our area’s RA/GA race this Sunday at 3:00pm in the Family Life Center. We have several area churches that will join us. Car inspection and check-in begins at 2:45pm. Come on out and cheer on our children!
Verse of the week:
"In the fear of the LORD one has strong confidence and his children have a refuge." - Proverbs 14:26
Prayer Focus For The Week: The People of Southern Sumatra, Indonesia (soo-MAH-trah)
Mary is a new believer. Things were going surprisingly well after she told her family about her faith in Christ. She was even baptized along with her mom. But over the Lunar New Year holiday, Mary went home to visit her family, and things took a negative turn. Her dad left their family, and Mary's sister stopped speaking to her. More recently she found out her grandmother passed away without a chance to hear the gospel. Please pray for Mary to find comfort in the arms of Christ as she mourns so many losses in her family. Please pray that the Lord will reveal Himself to her as all that she needs. Please pray as she tries to rekindle relationships with her family. Please pray for an opportunity for her to share with family members as she is with them during this season of loss. Praise the Lord for Mary's heart to rely on Christ and share truth with those she loves.
Advent Devotion December 1stAdvent DevotionThis Week at North AndersonAdvent Devotion Day ThreeGiving TuesdayAdvent Devotion Day FourAdvent Devotion, Day 5Advent Devotion, Day 6Advent Devotion, Day 7Advent, Day 8Advent Devotion, Day 9THIS WEEK AT NORTH ANDERSONAdvent Devotion, Day 10NEED-TO-KNOWS About TonightAdvent Devotion, Day 11Advent Devotion, Day 12This WeekendAdvent Devotion, Day 13Advent Devotion, Day 14Advent Devotion, Day 15Advent Devotion, Day 16This Week at North AndersonAdvent Devotion, Day 17Advent Devotion, Day 18Advent Devotion, Day 19You Don't Want To Miss This Sunday At North AndersonAdvent Devotion, Day 20Advent Devotion, Day 21Advent Devotion, Day 22This Week At North AndersonAdvent Devotion, Day 23Advent Devotion, Day 24Christmas Day Advent DevotionThis Sunday at North AndersonThis Week At North Anderson2025 Bible Reading Plan