Giving Tuesday

When thinking of the holiday season, what comes to mind? Do you think of Black Friday shopping, Christmas gifts, and delicious food? Santa?
While it is easy to get caught up in holiday hustle, bustle, and even consumerism, it is important to remember that Christmas is about giving as God demonstrated His love for us in sending His only begotten Son!
To ensure that the spirit of generosity that should permeate the season continued, a global initiative called "Giving Tuesday" was launched to encourage individuals to make charitable donations to causes and organizations that were making a difference in their communities. The first "Giving Tuesday" took place in 2012 and has grown to become a special day that is set aside on the calendar for many. In fact, on average, over 33 million people from the world over now make donations to non-profits on "Giving Tuesday"!
On this "Giving Tuesday" there are ample opportunities to make generous contributions to so many worthy causes and organizations that make a difference in our world. If you plan to give today, as you are prayerfully considering where to make your donation, please keep the ministry of North Anderson Baptist in mind.
Your faithful giving throughout this year has made a great impact already and contributions made on "Giving Tuesday" will help us to finish this year strong (we missed a week of giving due to Hurricane Helene so we are about a week behind on our budget). Your donation, no matter the amount, will help us to make an even greater difference in the hearts and lives of those in our community.
Thank you in advance for considering North Anderson Baptist with this charitable offering. You can give safely and securely by clicking the "Give" tab at the top of our webpage.
While it is easy to get caught up in holiday hustle, bustle, and even consumerism, it is important to remember that Christmas is about giving as God demonstrated His love for us in sending His only begotten Son!
To ensure that the spirit of generosity that should permeate the season continued, a global initiative called "Giving Tuesday" was launched to encourage individuals to make charitable donations to causes and organizations that were making a difference in their communities. The first "Giving Tuesday" took place in 2012 and has grown to become a special day that is set aside on the calendar for many. In fact, on average, over 33 million people from the world over now make donations to non-profits on "Giving Tuesday"!
On this "Giving Tuesday" there are ample opportunities to make generous contributions to so many worthy causes and organizations that make a difference in our world. If you plan to give today, as you are prayerfully considering where to make your donation, please keep the ministry of North Anderson Baptist in mind.
Your faithful giving throughout this year has made a great impact already and contributions made on "Giving Tuesday" will help us to finish this year strong (we missed a week of giving due to Hurricane Helene so we are about a week behind on our budget). Your donation, no matter the amount, will help us to make an even greater difference in the hearts and lives of those in our community.
Thank you in advance for considering North Anderson Baptist with this charitable offering. You can give safely and securely by clicking the "Give" tab at the top of our webpage.
"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." - 2 Corinthians 9:7
Advent Devotion December 1stAdvent DevotionThis Week at North AndersonAdvent Devotion Day ThreeGiving TuesdayAdvent Devotion Day FourAdvent Devotion, Day 5Advent Devotion, Day 6Advent Devotion, Day 7Advent, Day 8Advent Devotion, Day 9THIS WEEK AT NORTH ANDERSONAdvent Devotion, Day 10NEED-TO-KNOWS About TonightAdvent Devotion, Day 11Advent Devotion, Day 12This WeekendAdvent Devotion, Day 13Advent Devotion, Day 14Advent Devotion, Day 15Advent Devotion, Day 16This Week at North AndersonAdvent Devotion, Day 17Advent Devotion, Day 18Advent Devotion, Day 19You Don't Want To Miss This Sunday At North AndersonAdvent Devotion, Day 20Advent Devotion, Day 21Advent Devotion, Day 22This Week At North AndersonAdvent Devotion, Day 23Advent Devotion, Day 24Christmas Day Advent DevotionThis Sunday at North AndersonThis Week At North Anderson2025 Bible Reading Plan