This Week At North Anderson
Hello North Anderson Family and Friends!
We’re still praising the Lord for the wonderful morning that He blessed us with on the last Lord’s day of 2024! Wow! What better way to wrap up the year than with sharing in the Lord’s Supper as a church family and celebrating the baptism of two young ladies who have given their lives to Jesus!
We hope you’ll join us in praying for a great harvest in 2025 as we continue to sow seeds of the Gospel and grow in our love for the Lord, His Word, one another, and the mission field that He has called us to reach!
Here’s a few reminders for this week at North Anderson:
Remember, we will not be having morning or evening services on Wednesday. We pray you have a great New Years Day with those you love!
Our Men’s Bible Study at Mama Penn’s resumes this Thursday at 7:00am
This Sunday morning, we begin a brand-new expositional sermon series through 1st Peter called, “The Exiled Elect” and on Sunday evening at 5:00pm, we will be holding the first of our 2025 monthly Prayer Meetings. We hope that you’ll make these Prayer Meetings a priority.
We’d also like to encourage you to make this new year THE YEAR that you took your “next step” of faith and obedience, whatever that step may be. It could be committing to a daily Bible reading time (remember, we've created a Daily Bible Reading Plan for you. Stop by the office and grab one, if you haven't already), getting serious about prayer, joining a small group such as a Bible Fellowship Class, becoming part of the church family, begin tithing, join the worship choir, etc. We stand ready to assist you in taking your next step. Just let us know how!
The WMU Mission Project for January will be collecting items for the Cold/Flu season for the Women's Ministry of Haven of Rest They need the following: Tissues, Clorox disinfecting wipes, All-purpose cleaners, Lysol disinfecting spray, Day Quill cold meds (generic is okay), Cough Drops, and Non-Alcohol Hand Sanitizer.
Lastly, be on the lookout this week for Pastor Kyle’s annual Pastoral letter that looks back on what the Lord has done this past year and shares some hopes and prayerful aspirations about 2025.
Verse Of The Week:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; in all your ways know him, and he will make your paths straight" - Proverbs 3:5-6
Prayer Focus For The Week: The Uighurs (WEE-ghurs) People of Northwest China
Pray for Uighur believers to have a heart of love toward one another. Pray that they will be like-minded and quick to give one another the benefit of the doubt.
We hope you’ll join us in praying for a great harvest in 2025 as we continue to sow seeds of the Gospel and grow in our love for the Lord, His Word, one another, and the mission field that He has called us to reach!
Here’s a few reminders for this week at North Anderson:
Remember, we will not be having morning or evening services on Wednesday. We pray you have a great New Years Day with those you love!
Our Men’s Bible Study at Mama Penn’s resumes this Thursday at 7:00am
This Sunday morning, we begin a brand-new expositional sermon series through 1st Peter called, “The Exiled Elect” and on Sunday evening at 5:00pm, we will be holding the first of our 2025 monthly Prayer Meetings. We hope that you’ll make these Prayer Meetings a priority.
We’d also like to encourage you to make this new year THE YEAR that you took your “next step” of faith and obedience, whatever that step may be. It could be committing to a daily Bible reading time (remember, we've created a Daily Bible Reading Plan for you. Stop by the office and grab one, if you haven't already), getting serious about prayer, joining a small group such as a Bible Fellowship Class, becoming part of the church family, begin tithing, join the worship choir, etc. We stand ready to assist you in taking your next step. Just let us know how!
The WMU Mission Project for January will be collecting items for the Cold/Flu season for the Women's Ministry of Haven of Rest They need the following: Tissues, Clorox disinfecting wipes, All-purpose cleaners, Lysol disinfecting spray, Day Quill cold meds (generic is okay), Cough Drops, and Non-Alcohol Hand Sanitizer.
Lastly, be on the lookout this week for Pastor Kyle’s annual Pastoral letter that looks back on what the Lord has done this past year and shares some hopes and prayerful aspirations about 2025.
Verse Of The Week:
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding; in all your ways know him, and he will make your paths straight" - Proverbs 3:5-6
Prayer Focus For The Week: The Uighurs (WEE-ghurs) People of Northwest China
Pray for Uighur believers to have a heart of love toward one another. Pray that they will be like-minded and quick to give one another the benefit of the doubt.

Advent Devotion December 1stAdvent DevotionThis Week at North AndersonAdvent Devotion Day ThreeGiving TuesdayAdvent Devotion Day FourAdvent Devotion, Day 5Advent Devotion, Day 6Advent Devotion, Day 7Advent, Day 8Advent Devotion, Day 9THIS WEEK AT NORTH ANDERSONAdvent Devotion, Day 10NEED-TO-KNOWS About TonightAdvent Devotion, Day 11Advent Devotion, Day 12This WeekendAdvent Devotion, Day 13Advent Devotion, Day 14Advent Devotion, Day 15Advent Devotion, Day 16This Week at North AndersonAdvent Devotion, Day 17Advent Devotion, Day 18Advent Devotion, Day 19You Don't Want To Miss This Sunday At North AndersonAdvent Devotion, Day 20Advent Devotion, Day 21Advent Devotion, Day 22This Week At North AndersonAdvent Devotion, Day 23Advent Devotion, Day 24Christmas Day Advent DevotionThis Sunday at North AndersonThis Week At North Anderson2025 Bible Reading Plan