This Sunday at North Anderson

Hello North Anderson family and friends!

We hope that you had a wonderful Christmas and that you’ll be able to enjoy some holiday leftovers over the next couple of days!

We wanted to remind you that this Sunday is going to be an incredible time of worship as we gather together on for the last Lord’s Day of 2024, enjoy great Bible Fellowship Classes and celebrate believers baptism and the Lord’s Supper!
There’s simply not a more fitting way to close out the year so please plan to be with us and to invite a friend to join you!

Also Remember:
December is almost over so please get your Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions turned in or processed online.

We will be taking Christmas decorations down on December 30th at 8:30am. Come help if you can!

End-of-the-year giving must be postmarked, brought in, or processed online by December 31st in order to be considered part of your 2024 giving record.

We are looking forward to worshipping with you on Sunday!




