The Man God Uses

Jun 16, 2024    Kyle Caudell

In today's sermon, we will explore four unchanging characteristics of biblical manhood, drawing insights from scripture to define what it means to be a godly man in today's world. Firstly, godly men preside, exercising their God-given authority and leadership with kindness, humility, and benevolence, as seen in the creation narrative where Adam is given dominion over all creation (Genesis 2:7-9, 2:19-20). Secondly, godly men provide, fulfilling their divine mandate to cultivate and manage their environments in ways that glorify God and meet the needs of those around them (Genesis 2:15, 1 Timothy 5:8). Thirdly, godly men protect, safeguarding their families and communities from both physical and spiritual threats (Genesis 2:15, 1 Corinthians 16:13). Lastly, godly men pursue, prioritizing the Kingdom of God and His righteousness in all aspects of their lives (Matthew 6:33). Through these principles, we will uncover the timeless blueprint for biblical manhood that calls men to lead, provide, protect, and seek God above all else.