Ruth 1: God Works In Mysterious Ways

Sep 8, 2024    Kyle Caudell

The book of Ruth opens in a time of moral collapse in Israel, when "everyone did what was right in their own eyes." Amidst this dark period, God’s hand seems hidden, yet His mysterious providence is at work. Naomi, her husband Elimelech, and their two sons flee famine in Judah to seek refuge in Moab, a land cursed by God. Tragedy strikes: Elimelech dies, and Naomi’s sons marry Moabite women, only to die a decade later. Naomi, now bitter and empty, decides to return to Judah. Despite her pleas, Ruth, her Moabite daughter-in-law, clings to her with a powerful declaration of loyalty, embodying steadfast faith in God’s unseen plan. This story reminds us that, even in suffering, God works behind the scenes for His glory and our good. We are called to trust in His providence, even when His ways seem mysterious.